Behind the Scenes



Lively Co.'s Rhythm系列珠寶是台灣設計師靈感與工藝的結晶,取材自台灣壯麗的自然景觀,透過精湛的工藝捕捉時間流動的韻律。每件珠寶都象徵著日復一日的努力,為佩戴者記錄生活中的努力與獨特光輝。


Lively Co.'s Rhythm系列珠寶是台灣設計師靈感與工藝的結晶,取材自台灣壯麗的自然景觀,透過精湛的工藝捕捉時間流動的韻律。每件珠寶都象徵著日復一日的努力,為佩戴者記錄生活中的努力與獨特光輝。

Lively Co. 的起源與極簡主義珠寶設計:從實用到永恆的輕珠寶之旅

Lively Co. 是誕生於紐約的台灣輕珠寶品牌,由台灣設計師創立,結合極簡主義設計與高品質材質,打造出兼具實用性與美感的珠寶作品。我們的輕珠寶作品採用不鏽鋼、裹金等精緻質地,無論流汗或游泳後仍能保持閃耀光澤,並以可持續發展為核心理念,推動環保與資源再利用,成為您的日常生活中不可或缺的可靠夥伴。

Lively Co. 的起源與極簡主義珠寶設計:從實用到永恆的輕珠寶之旅

Lively Co. 是誕生於紐約的台灣輕珠寶品牌,由台灣設計師創立,結合極簡主義設計與高品質材質,打造出兼具實用性與美感的珠寶作品。我們的輕珠寶作品採用不鏽鋼、裹金等精緻質地,無論流汗或游泳後仍能保持閃耀光澤,並以可持續發展為核心理念,推動環保與資源再利用,成為您的日常生活中不可或缺的可靠夥伴。

Successful Encounter!

Successful Encounter!

And just like that, my first consignment journey began smoothly!

Successful Encounter!

And just like that, my first consignment journey began smoothly!

The Unfragile Blossom

The Unfragile Blossom

In the past few months, I've been toying with the idea of incorporating floral designs into my work. But, for a long time, I was stuck without a clear direction.

The Unfragile Blossom

In the past few months, I've been toying with the idea of incorporating floral designs into my work. But, for a long time, I was stuck without a clear direction.

The Definitive Guide to Choosing Your Ideal Hoop Earrings from Lively Jewelry Co.

The Definitive Guide to Choosing Your Ideal Hoo...

Follow the tutorial provided by Lively Jewelry Co., and to find hoops that fit your personality and are comfortable to wear effortlessly.

The Definitive Guide to Choosing Your Ideal Hoo...

Follow the tutorial provided by Lively Jewelry Co., and to find hoops that fit your personality and are comfortable to wear effortlessly.

Selecting Quality and Value: A Consumer's Guide to Fine Gold Jewelry by Lively Jewelry Co.

Selecting Quality and Value: A Consumer's Guide...

Choosing the Right Karat for You Knowing the characteristics of each karat can help you make an informed choice based on your needs and budget. Lively Co. offers an easy...

Selecting Quality and Value: A Consumer's Guide...

Choosing the Right Karat for You Knowing the characteristics of each karat can help you make an informed choice based on your needs and budget. Lively Co. offers an easy...