
Lively Co. 致力於維持珠寶光亮如新,使您能夠長時間欣賞其華美細緻的手工藝術。透過官網購買的珠寶都將享有以下的專業護理:


  • 提供兩次免費專業修復、調整服務。
  • 終身免費清洗服務。
  • 專業寶石鑲嵌檢測。


  • 每件珠寶享有兩年保修期(不包括人為因素造成的損壞)


Customer Service Form

Examples of adjustments

Ring size

The ring size can adjusted if technically feasible. The recommended range of modification is within plus or minus 1 to 2 sizes of the original ring. (Some items are not available for this service)

Necklace length

The length of your necklace can be adjusted by up to 4cm. (This service is not available for some items).

Bracelet length

The length of your bracelet can be adjusted by modifying the length of the strap by up to 2cm. (This service is not available for some items).

Ultrasonic cleaning

Lively is happy to clean your bracelet with ultrasonic cleaning, but scratches from wearing are normal. Ultrasonic cleaning will not restore the mirror finish of the jewelry.

Professional polishing

If your jewelry has deep scratches, Lively will be happy to provide professional polishing services. Some styles can be re-polished and re-plated to give them a new look. However, the polishing process will reduce the thickness of the metal slightly and Lively recommends that jewelry pieces not be polished more than twice in total.